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  • Carro Metálico FCR002100

    Carro Industrial normalizado . Fabricados y desarrollados por una robusta estructura, montada sobre cuatro ruedas. En múltiples combinaciones de contenedores y estantes constituyen un pequeño almacén móvil. Pueden transportar contenedores plásticos y estantes para la colocación de materiales diversos.

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  • Industrial Metal Trolley with Handle FCP201102

    Standardized industrial trolley manufactured and developed with a robust structure, mounted on four wheels. With multiple combinations of containers and shelves, this is a small mobile warehouse. It can transport plastic containers and shelves for the placement of various materials.

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  • ATHENA Container 6443B

    The Athena Series containers have been developed and studied to support heavy loads and assist production lines, manual, automated and on Flow Racks (rollers). Specially designed for the automotive sector, they are today a world reference due to their modularity on standard pallets and their transport by trucks. The thick rims and ribbed walls have been designed to withstand heavy loads, averaging 50 kg each in static mode and 400 kg in stacked mode, maintaining these values for transport, especially in the South American region, with roads often in deteriorating conditions. In support of this, the Athena series has passed several crash tests, which make it the most resistant standardized container series in the Mercosur region. Handles, bottoms or walls can be configured in closed or open (perforated) mode, resulting in 6 (six) different configurations in each available size (see illustration on current page) Standard color: Black. Good resistance to grease and oil. Robust and resistant to high and low temperatures, depending on the condition of use, the maximum temperature range will be from -20°C to + 70°C. Particularly suitable for food contact (virgin color).

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  • Armario Metálico con Gavetas FAK204052

    Los armarios porta gavetas constituyen la solución idónea para el ordenado almacenamiento de los más diversos objetos, siendo indispensable en la instalación de fábricas, oficinas, almacenes y laboratorios. Están compuestos por un armazón metálico que puede alojar un número variable de estantes (planos) de carga en función de la distribución de contenedores requerida. Los armarios pueden ser provistos de puertas batientes con imán para que permanezcan cerradas sin necesidad de asegurarlas con llaves. La cerradura es de triple falleba enumerada y con disponibilidad de llave master, doble en rotación y cierre en tres puntos.

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  • Industrial Metal Trolley FCEP10506

    Standardized industrial trolley manufactured and developed with a robust structure, mounted on four wheels. With multiple combinations of containers and shelves, this is a small mobile warehouse. It can transport plastic containers and shelves for the placement of various materials.

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  • Metal cabinet FAA130252

    Metal hinged door cabinet made with the most modern technologies and top quality materials. Hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. They adapt to every requirement, optimally managing the storage of different materials. They are versatile, solid, functional and can include drawers, panels, shelves and many more accessories.

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  • Metal cabinet FAA140361

    Metal hinged door cabinet made with the most modern technologies and top quality materials. Hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. They adapt to every requirement, optimally managing the storage of different materials.

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  • Metal cabinet FAA130352

    Metal hinged door cabinet made with the most modern technologies and top quality materials. Hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. They adapt to every requirement, optimally managing the storage of different materials.

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  • Metal cabinet FAA140254

    Metal hinged door cabinet made with the most modern technologies and top quality materials. Hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. They adapt to every requirement, optimally managing the storage of different materials. They are versatile, solid, functional and can include drawers, panels, shelves and many more accessories.

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  • ATHENA Container 4332B

    The Athena Series containers have been developed and studied to support heavy loads and assist production lines, manual, automated and on Flow Racks (rollers). Specially designed for the automotive sector, they are today a world reference due to their modularity on standard pallets and their transport by trucks. The thick rims and ribbed walls have been designed to withstand heavy loads, averaging 50 kg each in static mode and 400 kg in stacked mode, maintaining these values for transport, especially in the South American region, with roads often in deteriorating conditions. In support of this, the Athena series has passed several crash tests, which make it the most resistant standardized container series in the Mercosur region. Handles, bottoms or walls can be configured in closed or open (perforated) mode, resulting in 6 (six) different configurations in each available size (see illustration on current page) Standard color: Black. Good resistance to grease and oil. Robust and resistant to high and low temperatures, depending on the condition of use, the maximum temperature range will be from -20°C to + 70°C. Particularly suitable for food contact (virgin color).

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  • NETTUNO Foldable Container 6423B

    Plastic boxes are used in many commercial sectors such as bookstores, autoparts, pharmaceuticals, automotive, but they are also beneficial for other industries. They are space-saving, economical and compatible with other reusable storage systems. The transport savings with the NETTUNO series crates is 6 to 1, i.e. if 6 trucks are sent with goods, one truck is brought back with empty folded crates. This product is noise-absorbing during transport and is recyclable after a long period of use The ergonomic handles protect the hands during handling. It has a robust design, with a base prepared for use on roller conveyors. Our folding boxes are light in weight, but at the same time very strong. They are stackable and can be folded and unfolded easily and safely. They are made of virgin polypropylene resistant to breakage and most oils, acids and alkalis. Their lids are sealable with hinges and can be screen-printed and heat-embossed with your company logo thanks to their smooth outer walls and are provided with a space for a label and barcode.

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  • Odette Container 9540A

    Para todo uso, Ideales para realizar huertas. Cultivo hidropónico, Huerto urbano, Cultivo orgánico

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  • Metal cabinet FAA130203

    Metal hinged door cabinet made with the most modern technologies and top quality materials. Hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. They adapt to every requirement, optimally managing the storage of different materials

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  • Shelving with drawers FED4056

    Domino shelving modules with metal structure and rails configurable with plastic boxes. Made of profiled sheet steel and painted in grey RAL7000. High resistance even under full load. The overlapping of the shelving and its modularity allow for excellent stacking stability enabling the creation of high storage areas or low counters that can be modified in both length and height at any time according to your needs. This system allows you to organise your warehouse with customised solutions. Stacking is possible up to a maximum of 3 modules high. Boxes can be labelled to ensure fast and efficient sorting.

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  • Workbench FBIA38401

    The workbenches of the POWERFUL series have been designed and manufactured to satisfy the most varied demands of the market. The great capacity of these workbenches to meet any production, assembly or test requirements is guaranteed by their wide range of accessories: hooks, brackets, and tool-holding panels. The steel feet with holes are fixed to the top of the working plane, and can be fixed to the floor. An important element of the workbenches is the drawer unit, produced in various sizes and with different uses, based on the type of drawers as well as their internal subdivision.

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  • Workbench FBIA34210

    The workbenches of the <POWERFUL>series have been designed and manufactured to satisfy the most varied demands of the market. The great capacity of these workbenches to meet any production, assembly, or test requirements is guaranteed by their wide range of accessories: hooks, brackets, and tool-holding panels. The steel feet with holes are fixed to the top of the working plane and can be fixed to the floor. An important element of the workbenches is the drawer unit, produced in various sizes and with different uses, based on the type of drawers as well as their internal subdivision.

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  • Contenedores plásticos Serie R-KLT 4329

    Los contenedores plásticos serie KLT son extra fuertes con paredes reforzadas y fondo cerrado con patas pequeñas. Estas cajas tienen una estructura robusta que hace que estos contenedores sean más fuertes que otros contenedores. Debido a las paredes extra fuertes, este contenedor es muy adecuado para la industria más pesada El contenedor es apilable y también tiene un fondo liso. Esta caja está provisto de un portaetiquetas en un lado corto. La forma más eficiente de transporte y almacenamiento. Todos los contenedores están diseñados para ser apilables en pallets de 1200 x 1000 mm. y 1200 x 800 mm.

    La base de las nervaduras y los pies de apilamiento garantizan la estabilidad del contenedor y evitan que el mismo se vuelque en el traslado. Más allá de eso, ofrecen condiciones favorables para la limpieza y el fuego, y son Resistentes debido a su construcción de doble pared.

    El R -, RL-. La serie KLT está disponible opcionalmente con orificios de drenaje de agua en la base. Deben ser utilizados conforme a la norma VDA 4500 en la industria del automóvil, para el transporte de componentes entre fabricantes de automóviles y proveedores.

    Los contenedores KLT son especialmente adecuados para:

    I. Recogida automática de piezas del contenedor y colocación de pilas vacías.
    II. Manejo horizontal y vertical mediante ranuras y ranuras KLT,
    III. Tecnología de agarre facilitada por 2 ranuras en los lados longitudinales,
    IV. Uso en sistemas de mini carga, gracias a las ranuras de agarre en la parte frontal y en los laterales.

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  • Metal shelving with drawers FLCC1735452

    With its many combinations, it is a small mobile warehouse. The use of space is optimal. Its structure is made of high-strength steel profile. The shelves are made of sheet metal for loads of 25kg (fixed) and 50kg (tilting). Its structure is detachable for transport and storage of the shelving, allowing multiple configurations of shelves and boxes. Galvanised steel structure.

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  • Metal drawer unit FDD103052

    Metal drawer unit mounted on metal runners with steel ball bearings, designed for a load of up to 60 kg per drawer. It has a simple opening system that allows one drawer to be opened at a time, reducing the risk of tipping due to the large load capacity of each drawer. In addition, it has a two-key tumbler locking system with central locking. On the front of each drawer there is a horizontal white label protected by a transparent vinyl coating.

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  • ATHENA Container 4317A

    The Athena Series containers have been developed and studied to support heavy loads and assist production lines, manual, automated and on Flow Racks (rollers). Specially designed for the automotive sector, they are today a world reference due to their modularity on standard pallets and their transport by trucks. The thick rims and ribbed walls have been designed to withstand heavy loads, averaging 50 kg each in static mode and 400 kg in stacked mode, maintaining these values for transport, especially in the South American region, with roads often in deteriorating conditions. In support of this, the Athena series has passed several crash tests, which make it the most resistant standardized container series in the Mercosur region. Handles, bottoms or walls can be configured in closed or open (perforated) mode, resulting in 6 (six) different configurations in each available size (see illustration on current page) Standard color: Black. Good resistance to grease and oil. Robust and resistant to high and low temperatures, depending on the condition of use, the maximum temperature range will be from -20°C to + 70°C. Particularly suitable for food contact (virgin color).

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  • Metal cabinet FAA120055

    Metal hinged door cabinet made with the most modern technologies and top quality materials. Hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. They adapt to every requirement, optimally managing the storage of different materials.

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  • ATHENA Container 6443S

    The Athena Series containers have been developed and studied to support heavy loads and assist production lines, manual, automated and on Flow Racks (rollers). Specially designed for the automotive sector, they are today a world reference due to their modularity on standard pallets and their transport by trucks. The thick rims and ribbed walls have been designed to withstand heavy loads, averaging 50 kg each in static mode and 400 kg in stacked mode, maintaining these values for transport, especially in the South American region, with roads often in deteriorating conditions. In support of this, the Athena series has passed several crash tests, which make it the most resistant standardized container series in the Mercosur region. Handles, bottoms or walls can be configured in closed or open (perforated) mode, resulting in 6 (six) different configurations in each available size (see illustration on current page) Standard color: Black. Good resistance to grease and oil. Robust and resistant to high and low temperatures, depending on the condition of use, the maximum temperature range will be from -20°C to + 70°C. Particularly suitable for food contact (virgin color).

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  • Workbench FBIA37016

    Our workbenches have been designed and manufactured to satisfy the most varied demands of the market. The great capacity of these workbenches to meet any production, assembly or test requirements is guaranteed by their wide range of accessories: hooks, brackets, and tool-holding panels. The steel feet with holes are fixed to the top of the working plane, and can be fixed to the floor. An important element of the workbenches is the drawer unit, produced in various sizes and with different uses, based on the type of drawers as well as their internal subdivision.

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  • Workbench FBIA32810

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  • PC Cabinets FAS080100

    With this cabinet, you will be able to use your PC in industrial environments. The computer cabinets can be fitted with base plates for transport with a car lift or hydraulic pallet truck, wheels for manual transport from one machine to another. The PC cabinet is equipped with a constant filtering system using positive pressure to prevent the accumulation of dust inside the cabinet. It has a viewing system with anti-glare glass that provides secure data storage and is itself a stand-up workstation.

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  • Workbench FBIA59801

    Our workbenches have been designed and manufactured to satisfy the most varied demands of the market. The great capacity of these workbenches to meet any production, assembly, or test requirements is guaranteed by their wide range of accessories: hooks, brackets, and tool-holding panels. The steel feet with holes are fixed to the top of the working plane and can be fixed to the floor. An important element of the workbenches is the drawer unit, produced in various sizes and with different uses, based on the type of drawers as well as their internal subdivision.

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  • Modular Trolley with Containers FLBB1026252

    With multiple combinations of containers and shelves, this is a small mobile warehouse. The use of space is optimal. Its structure is made of high-strength steel profile. The shelves are made of sheet metal for loads of 25kg (fixed) and 50kg (tilting). Its structure is removable for transport and storage of the trolley, allowing multiple configurations of shelves and boxes. Equipped with hard rubber coated castors and ball bearing swivel system. Galvanized steel structure. It has 2 fixed and 2 swivel castors with foot brakes that block the swivel.

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  • Metal cabinet FAA140252

    Metal hinged door cabinet made with the most modern technologies and top quality materials. Hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. They adapt to every requirement, optimally managing the storage of different materials. They are versatile, solid, functional and can include drawers, panels, shelves and many more accessories.

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  • Cleaning cabinet FAN110101

    Cabinet for the storage of personal items. The body and doors are remarkably safe and very strong. The high level of finishing and sturdiness make it a product of a higher quality than the market standards. These cabinets are manufactured with the help of the most modern technologies and using top quality materials. They are specially designed for storage, guaranteeing a perfect conservation, also facilitating their maintenance and guaranteeing an optimal useful life. They are prepared for use in humid changing rooms.

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  • Workbench FBIA32801

    Los Bancos de trabajo, han sido estudiados y realizados para satisfacer de manera racional las más variadas demandas del mercado. Los bancos de trabajo pueden ser fácilmente transformados, la versatilidad y la gran capacidad de estos bancos de adecuarse a cualquier tipo de exigencia en el ámbito de producción, del montaje o de las pruebas, está garantizada por su amplia gama de accesorios: ganchos, ménsulas, paneles porta herramientas, canaleta eléctrica, etc. Los pies están construidos con chapa de acero con orificios en la parte superior para el fijado del plano de trabajo, y en las placas de base para el fijado al piso. Un elemento importante de los bancos de trabajo es la cajonera, producida en varias medias y con diferentes soluciones ya sea por el tipo de cajones como por la subdivisión interna del mismo.

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  • Metal cabinet FAA1403S2

    Metal hinged door cabinet made with the most modern technologies and top quality materials. Hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. They adapt to every requirement, optimally managing the storage of different materials. They are versatile, solid, functional and can include drawers, panels, shelves and many more accessories.

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  • Shelving with drawers FED3044

    Domino shelving modules with metal structure and rails configurable with plastic boxes. Made of profiled sheet steel and painted in grey RAL7000. High resistance even under full load. The overlapping of the shelving and its modularity allow for excellent stacking stability enabling the creation of high storage areas or low counters that can be modified in both length and height at any time according to your needs. This system allows you to organise your warehouse with customised solutions. Stacking is possible up to a maximum of 3 modules high. Boxes can be labelled to ensure fast and efficient sorting.

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  • Practibox metal cabinet with drawers FAK108058

    Drawer cabinets are the ideal solution for the tidy storage of a wide variety of objects and are indispensable in factories, offices, warehouses and laboratories. They consist of a metal frame which can accommodate a variable number of (plates) loading shelves depending on the required container distribution. The cabinets can be fitted with hinged doors with magnets so that they remain closed without the need to secure them with keys. The lock is a numbered triple espagnolette lock with master key, double key in rotation and three-point locking.

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  • Metal Cabinet For Fire Prevention Elements FAA140401

    Metal cabinet with hinged doors for the storage of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and fire fighting equipment. The hinged doors come with a magnet so that they remain locked without the need to secure them with keys. It comes with die-cut acrylic for easy breaking in case of emergency and safety labels. Constructed from 7/10 mm steel plate, with all exposed flanges bent. It is equipped with perforated shelves, their insertion and arrangement inside the cabinets is easy to make and use, as there are four perforated vertical uprights with 25 mm pitch on the inside walls of the cabinet. The lock is cylindrical with numbered key and optional master key, double key supplied and three-point locking.

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    CONTENEDORES moldeados y fabricados por inyección en Polietileno de Alta Densidad (PEHD). Material completamente reciclable. Fácilmente lavable y inoxidable; insensible a Cambios de peso en contacto con el agua. Particularmente resistente a los rayos UV. e infrarrojos, a altas y bajas temperaturas, a ácidos y álcalis. Estructurado de tal manera que Ser apilable, para facilitar las operaciones. almacenamiento y manipulación.

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  • Support lid For ATHENA Containers TP6401 60×40 cm

    The Athena Series containers have been developed and studied to support heavy loads and assist production lines, manual, automated and on Flow Racks (rollers). Specially designed for the automotive sector, they are today a world reference due to their modularity on standard pallets and their transport by trucks. The thick rims and ribbed walls have been designed to withstand heavy loads, averaging 50 kg each in static mode and 400 kg in stacked mode, maintaining these values for transport, especially in the South American region, with roads often in deteriorating conditions. In support of this, the Athena series has passed several crash tests, which make it the most resistant standardized container series in the Mercosur region. Handles, bottoms or walls can be configured in closed or open (perforated) mode, resulting in 6 (six) different configurations in each available size (see illustration on current page) Standard color: Black. Good resistance to grease and oil. Robust and resistant to high and low temperatures, depending on the condition of use, the maximum temperature range will be from -20°C to + 70°C. Particularly suitable for food contact (virgin color).

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